NES Stuff
by Quietust
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This page serves as a repository for NES-related stuff I have written over the years. If you'd like to contact me, email quietust at either or I can also be found in the #nesdev IRC channel on EFnet.


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December 30, 2006

A bit on the late side, but the NSF below has now been joined by a PCM-enabled rip of Battletoads & Double Dragon.
Coincidentally, somebody else had already ripped the NSF in the same manner quite some time ago, so this is largely moot.

February 6, 2006

Added a new NSF - a rerip of Battletoads which includes the raw PCM drums in the 'Title Screen' and 'Level Complete' tracks.
This NSF may not be supported in all players, though the latest build of Nintendulator plays it properly.

January 7, 2006

In a discussion over on the NESdev forums, somebody requested a demo which would display a box 200 pixels tall and 144-200 pixels wide (adjustable).
Since I was bored at the time, I wrote a demo to do just that - it is available below, simply named "Square".


Other NES stuff

NES tools I've written

NES Programs I've written

NSFs I've ripped

Other NESdev-related materials

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